TRL SFT super prone to nan when using data collator

I was trying to sft on the tatsu-lab/alpaca_farm dataset using EleutherAI/pythia-14m (cuz I’m gpu poor). In particular, I want to compute loss on the responses only and not the instructions. So I used the DataCollatorForCompletionOnlyLM class the way below. This method outputs nan loss on the very first few batches. However, if I don’t use the data collator and compute the loss on the entire output, I never run into any issues. Weird!

I have tried a small number of architectural choices, including using lora on different modules, different lora_alpha, etc. The nan loss is always due to nan gradient on the mlp weights of the last few attention blocks. Interestingly, no other modules encountered nan gradients. I noticed the gradient magnitude generally increases from lower to higher layers. So it is not likely due to gradient explosion. I visualized the attention maps at the last few layers but couldn’t spot any issues.

There are a few other stuff I have checked, such as properly truncating the dataset and setting sequence length to make sure the "<|assistant|>" token is in every input for the data collator to segment (because if you don’t the data collator will throw a warning, but it shouldn’t affect anything tho because the loss is properly masked).

So not sure why this is happening. Really appreciate if anyone has ideas!

    instruction_template = "<|prompter|>"
    response_template = "<|assistant|>"
    collator = DataCollatorForCompletionOnlyLM(
    def formatting_prompts_func(example):
        output_texts = []
        for i in range(len(example['instruction'])):
            if example['input'] != "":
                text = f"{instruction_template} {example['instruction'][i]} {example['input'][i]}\n{response_template} {example['output'][i]}"
                text = f"{instruction_template} {example['instruction'][i]}\n{response_template} {example['output'][i]}"
        return output_texts

    trainer = SFTTrainer(

Same for me. If I do not set tokenizer.padding_side=‘left’, I can train the model. I don’t know if that can help your case.

Hi thanks for the response! I did not set tokenizer.padding_side but used the default.

I was able to overcome this problem but I don’t know how I did it. I think it was most likely due to changing random seeds. A pattern that I found was smaller models tend to be more prone to extremely large hidden states and gradients, which implies there are some bad data points that trigger this and nan. I think this might explain why random seed works.