I am pre-training a Bert model from scratch using Tensorflow.
I’ve seen the methid to push pyTorch models, but I don’t know how to do with my TF model.
Here is how I imagine I have to do:
1- Convert my checkpoint from Tf to torch
2- Push to HF
Is this correct?
But an other question is :
I don’t know how to push the tokenizer, all I am having is:
If you pre-trained BERT from scratch in TF using the run_mlm.py script, you can easily convert the model from TF to PyTorch, like so:
from transformers import BertForMaskedLM
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("name of directory where the run_mlm.py script saved all files", from_tf=True)
model.save_pretrained("name of directory where you'd like to save all model files")
Next, you can easily push it to the hub as follows (I’m assuming you’re in a Colab notebook):
Thanks, one more question about it:
How can pytorch users use my tokenizer with AutoTokenizer?
Providing my vocab.txt is it enough or tokenizer.model is the one they need.