ValueError: You need to specify either `text` or `text_target` when using evaluator

Hello, I am loading a fine-tuned model I trained to test on a new dataset. The dataset is straight off Huggingface to simplify the process. However, I get this error ValueError: You need to specify either text or text_target

Here is my code:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from datasets import load_dataset
from transformers import pipeline
import evaluate
import re
#--------------------- Loading Fine-tuned Model and Tokenizer -----------------#
#-- Load your model
model_path = “/content/drive/MyDrive/NLP!!/Sentiment Analysis/Airline_reviews/Model 1 - 80_20 Split”

#— Load tokenizer and model
loaded_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)
loaded_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path)

#------------------------ Dealing with the new dataset ------------------------#
#— Load the new dataset
new_dataset = load_dataset(“Sp1786/multiclass-sentiment-analysis-dataset”, split=“test”) #only load the test dataset

#— Pre-process new data in the same way you did as the data you used to train your model
def preprocess_text(text):
if not isinstance(text, str): # Check if text is not a string
text = “” # Convert to empty string if not a string

# Remove URLs
text = re.sub(r'http\S+', '', text)

# Remove "@" mentions and usernames
text = re.sub(r'@\w+\s*', '', text)

return text

#— Get the text data from the ‘test’ split
texts = new_dataset[‘text’]

#— Make it a list and Apply your preprocessing funciton
preprocessed_texts = [preprocess_text(text) for text in texts]

#----------------------------------- Inference --------------------------------#

#— Setting up pipeline for inference
sentiment_pipeline = pipeline(task=“text-classification”,
device=0) # will tokenize entries for you

A quick test

sentiment_pipeline(preprocessed_texts) # the pipeline works

ground_truth_labels = new_dataset[‘label’]

#----------------------------------- Evaluation -------------------------------#

Initialize the task evaluator

task_evaluator = evaluator(“text-classification”)

Define label mapping for your dataset

eval_results = task_evaluator.compute(
input_column= ‘text’,
label_column= ‘label’,
label_mapping={“positive”: 2, “neutral”: 1, “negative”: 0}

Thank you in advance! Any help would be great