Weak Conversational Skills - dialogPT trained model issue

I noticed in most / all dialogPT tutorials, when somebody trains on top of it with their own data, the answers they get back from it always turn into “!!!?!?!!;,!.com?!” - “!!!” - “”, and stuff like that after about 3-5 questions. I also had this problem in my own training code. Why is that?

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From my experience this correlates with:

  1. Lack of fine-tuning for your specific length. I don’t know why that is the case but I have noticed a significant drop in this “!!!?!?!!;,!.com?!” thing once you increase the fine-tuning dataset size.
  2. This seems to only occur on dialoGPT-small. Have not seen it once on the medium version. This is not that big a deal since if you can train dialoGPT-small, generaly you will be able to train dialoGPT-mid on the same GPU.

P.S. You had me confused for a second there :blush:. It’s not “dialogPT” it’s dialoGPT as it’s based on the GPT-2 model.

“Lack of fine-tuning for your specific length” could you specify what you mean? more on the data cleaning / structuring side, or on the training side, training differently or for more checkpoints? FWIW i have a beefy 3090 and see the same thing on medium and large :sweat_smile:

Also, are you available for consultation? would be great to discuss this in detail for 3-4 hours.


I may be late here, but I had a similar issue when I was fine-tuning dialoGPT. It had to do with the way I was padding the sentences. In some of the more popular tutorials, I believe they padded it with an “EOS” token, but it was really “!”(the exclamation point token). Since every exchange filled in this with padding, when the conversation got too long, it would spit out nonsense like !!!. This is just speculation and I’m trying to figure out how to solve it, but check out your model! Hope this helps

Edit: It actually had to do with the above and not appropriately defining the attention mask.