Hey there, I am using gardio spaces to host a leaderboard and during calculating leaderboard I use libs that requires a new version of websockets lib (>= 14).
Unfortunately, in docker file that is used for gardio space after installing custom requirements.txt, there are going default installs that overwrite my websockets lib with the older version (12.0.1).
I think it’s one of this lines:
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pip -U && pip install --no-cache-dir datasets "huggingface-hub>=0.19" "hf-transfer>=0.1.4" "protobuf<4" "click<8.1" "pydantic~=1.0"
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir gradio[oauth]==4.42.0 "uvicorn>=0.14.0" spaces "fastapi<0.113.0"
So, I wanted to ask whether is possible to modify this default gardio dockerfile by myself or can you add a support for the newer version of websockets?