What is the correct way to parse data for DPO? Do you seperate out prompt or not?

If you look at the main documentation for DPO, or the alignment handbook examples, it appear the prompt is separated from “chosen” and “rejected” in datasets before training: Such as from the alignment handbook:

def process(row):
   # *** Note, this seperates out the prompt messages from chosen/rejected ***
   prompt_messages = row["chosen"][:-1]
   chosen_messages = row["chosen"][-1:]
   rejected_messages = row["rejected"][-1:]

   row["prompt"] = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(prompt_messages, tokenize=False)
   row["chosen"] = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(chosen_messages, tokenize=False)
   row["rejected"] = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(rejected_messages, tokenize=False)

ds = ds.map(

However, in the official TRL examples prompt is not separated out:

def process(row):
    # *** Prompt was not separated out ***
    row["chosen"] = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(row["chosen"], tokenize=False)
    row["rejected"] = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(row["rejected"], tokenize=False)
    return row

ds = ds.map(

These two methods are going to send different results to the DPO trainer. Why the discrepancy? It is because it does not matter? Or is the a bug in one of them, such as the TRL example code?
