What is ViTImageProcessor doing?

@amyeroberts Thanks for your reply! I just figured what is happening.

But just for the record, I am gonna add this.

I was doing Reshape. But It turns out, ImageProcessor is doing Transpose.
The solution I found for myself is:

normalized = ( rescaled_image - 0.5 ) / 0.5 
tf.transpose(normalized , perm=(2,0,1))

which results in

<tf.Tensor: shape=(10,), dtype=float32, numpy=
array([-0.5384153 , -0.56822723, -0.50992393, -0.6224089 , -0.58579427,
       -0.62336934, -0.6540616 ,  0.17835152,  0.34901977,  0.8013607 ],
