The goal of the project would be to fine tune GPT-Neo J 6b on the task of semantic design generation.
The model will learn to transform natural language prompts into geometric descriptions of designs. It will then be deployed in a simple interface that allows for users to immediately see their generated design, creating a semantic generation tool out of Neo.
I already have a dataset of paired annotations-design pairs and have started experimentations with the smaller Neo models as we speak.
My goal is to understand the effect of scale in this, going all the way up to Neo-J 6b model trained on all the data.
But also, ideally, to incorporate more modalities such as taking advantage of relational data, adding design evaluation as rewards, and other things I can’t think of but others might!
Thanks everyone! I think joining should be alright, as soon as I figure out how to do it.
I believe Patric mentioned in slack that teams will be made on Monday. The limit, if enough interest, seems to be 10 people although if we do reach that we should consider ways to make this more interesting and explore more angles.
Putting everybody in the official sheet here. More people can still join! Leave a comment here or on the sheet if you want to change something. @gchhablani I was not sure if you wanted to be part of this project or not, so I added you anyways. Let me know
It’s a hectic week for me, and I guess it will be for all of us, but it would be nice to meet and discuss ideas if you want. I’ve made our channel in the discord provided by HF here: Flax-HuggingFace-Community-Week
It’s called gpt-building-layouts, feel free to jump in and say hi!
That’s an amazing idea! If it’s still possible I’d like to join the team @THEODOROS I only able to leave comments in the google spreadsheet. Also, could you please help me to join the slack channel gpt-building-layouts that you mentioned above?