About unsafe file on hugging face

I have deployed a recommender system model on hugging face. But in file section it is showing that my one file is unsafe, while it is just a pkl file which is of size 485 MB. Is it some kind of serious problem or will that be going to terminate my account on hugging face?

hi @Harsh12, you can read more about our malware scanner here and our approach to flag repositories.
But in summary it’s just an warning to general users and the repository owner.

Two notes from the docs:

If your file has neither an ok nor infected badge, it could mean that it is either currently being scanned, waiting to be scanned, or that there was an error during the scan. It can take up to a few minutes to be scanned.

As the repository owner, we advise you to remove the suspicious file. The repository will appear back as safe.

Thanks, @radames for clarifying. But there is one problem with it: if I remove the file, the app will stop working and start showing errors. This is part of my semester project at university. So what if I do not remove the file, will it be removed automatically??