Why is my .pkl flagged as unsafe?

Hi, everyone! I hope you can help me.

This is the space:
starbotica/llamaoalpaca at main (huggingface.co)

It works and the model has been trained by me, so I am positive that it has no malicious code. It is an innocent test to learn along fastai course, it is made with the example of birds and forests but with llamas and alpacas. However, the .pkl file has been flagged as unsafe.

What is the reason and what can I do to fix it? TIA.


Yes. same question.

The .pkl file is also flagged for one of the main tutorials in lesson 3 for fast.ai:

Is there a way to add a .pkl file so it doesn’t get flagged?

i have also run into this issue. it looks like they deprecated importing pkl files

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