Add a NER/POS-tagging task to a custom model?

Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for reading this. I followed this tutorial to create a template from a text dataset [Esperberto, by Julien Chaumond]:

It was very useful, because after a few days/tries, I have now a model that works! :slightly_smiling_face: For example for mask-fill tasks, as in the tutorial.

Now I want to add a NER/POS-tagging task to my model. The original tutorial mentioned this possibility (, part 5 - ‘Fine-tune your LM on a downstream task’).
However, I don’t understand how to add this to my model.
I have a CoNLl / TSV training file, so it could work. But the procedure described in the tutorial doesn’t seem complete for this part 5. Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you all for your potential help, /et merci beaucoup à Julien Chaumond pour son aide inestimable via ce tutoriel/ :grinning:.

:smiling_face_with_tear: No reply? I hope that my question was not unclear/too vague…