Agents Course Certification

I completed the Agents Course and answered all the questions correctly on the exam. However, I am not receiving a certificate. How can I resolve this issue?

When I click on Get My Certificate, I receive the following warning

“There was an error checking your certification status. Please try again later or contact support if the issue persists.”


Following, I have the same problem…

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Same problem.

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@not-lain agents-course issue.

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same issue.

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Same here!

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Same. Did you solved it?

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Same here. How to get the certification? It said I passed. I tried later a few times as suggested but still the same error.
I think there are too many requests but queues aren’t cleared? so keep trying at random intervals?

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Same here. There seems to be a problem uploading the quiz results. I can’t find my results on agents-course/unit_1_quiz_student_responses · Datasets at Hugging Face


Hey @tanyildizderya, @zappone, @naels, @mehmetcanyildirimmm, @paweltom, @Losalongiles, @DeviM, @scottie34 and anyone else following the issue later, the Agents team has fixed the issue! You can now take the test on the updated site (@ and receive your certificate without any issues or delays.


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