After searching for something using the gguf filter, the url could not be shared with others and it does not work even if I open a different tab and post the link there.
an example of some broken urls I have found Models - Hugging Face , Models - Hugging Face and
thanks to @John6666 for reporting this
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It works fine until the single-byte spaces are replaced with + when searching for models and datasets, but when I copy and paste the URL for that in a web browser and click on the one I posted in the forum, the number of hits is zero.
In this case, maybe the + is not parsed correctly and is interpreted as the string “GGUF+0.5B”. I don’t think the + could be used in the repo-name, so of course the number of hits should be zero.
If + is not parsed, it is possible that other similar operators, if any, are not parsed either.
hey @not-lain, what do you mean exactly when you say it does not work? do you mean that the returned results are not correct, or that you get a 504 error?
I’ll try to reproduce it. The latter %20 was typed manually by me. However, this workaround would only work for +.
Fixed manually
Hi @pierric
I have discussed this with omar in discord at link so i’ll provide you with the distilled version.
- all of the links I have provided above do not open in my browser and show a 504 error

- the same links in the same browser but in incognito mode do open and everything works perfectly.
These are maybe separate matters. There are probably a few problems on both the forum side and the model search side.
Someone on the forum wrote about it halfway through, but then he edited it out.
There was a hypothesis that HF’s model search backend didn’t properly support URL encoding and decoding, resulting in a loop of redirects that couldn’t be handled and returned a 504. I vaguely remember, but it probably looked something like this.
Thanks for the details, those errors are due to the big increase in repos we’ve seen in the past months, leading to timeouts in our search experience for some specific requests. We are actively working on this, things should hopefully get better in the next few weeks!
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