Can I upload a dataset of old VHS recordings of music videos?

Recently, I’ve been digitalizing my old tapes and many have old music videos (with blur, noise, artifacts, etc.) that nowadays are on youtube in HD, so I thought that they could be useful for someone that is interested on training a model that can restore damaged VHS recordings (sure, they can articially damage the HD versions, but there’s nothing like the real deal). However, I’m conflicted due to the probable copyright matters involved, so I wanted to ask if it would be okay to publicly upload them here or if at least there is a place that could benefit from them :eyes:

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Hi, bro. Have u released the video data anywhere yet, I am currently researching on old-movies/cartoon video restoration tasks and searching on whether exists the real old video dataset :rofl:. Currenly i only found some noise template provided in paper Deepremaster and seems like there is no old/vintage video dataset available (with scratches etc.)
That would be a great help if u could provides some clues for the related data. :smiley:

In the end, I didn’t find anywhere to share them nor other people with the same question (weirdly enough, seems like no one is interested). If you want, I got no problem sharing them with you (fortunately for you i guess, added to the music videos that I mentioned, there are also a few Hey Arnold! and The Simpson episodes in there :+1:). Just send me a link to upload them or something like that, and I’ll do it asap :ok_hand:

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That would be so great! :laughing:
Hi Jorvan, What about we share it on Google Drive? How much the dataset take for the storage, is 10G enough else I need to upgrade my Google Drive a bit(that is ok).
I could create a folder on it, but u need to provide me with your email and then i could share the editing right to u, since then u could upload something. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Here is the link old_video_dataset - Google Drive

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Well, the total size is around 45 GB, although you don’t need to worry about it, as the storage is charged on the one who uploads the files (at least until the property is transferred). I already uploaded all of them. However, do me a favor and accept the property transfer so they don’t occupy space on my multi-accounts, please (you can accept a few, delete them (after downloading) and iterate; but don’t just delete them without accepting, as it would mean that I would have to login on everyone again to delete them myself (which I would do on this weekend)).
You’ll probably need to do some trimming and velocity adjustments here and there, and some videos don’t have audio for some reason. Nevertheless, I think that most of the footage will be useful.
Let me know when you’re done with your reaserch. I look forward to see what you can do with it :eyes:
Good luck :v:

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Wow, Thanks u Jorvan. Those old VHS video is amazing, u really provides great help to me bro :laughing:.

For the google Drivie, I have already accepted the file transfer, but some files own by accout=Jeleon (filename was VHS(21-29) ) did not transferred to me yet(sure I could download). Maybe u need to check those files whether u want to transfer those file and I could help with the cloud storage in case of occupying your cloud storage. (I have already download all of them :smiley:).

For research progress, for sure I am readily to share my research progress and outcome with you (I do not know whether could I reach that level, wish i could :smiling_face:) . Jorvan, is Jorvan started gmail your commonly used email, maybe we could chat about the details of these video like the name of some music video and the conditions of those video tape u digitized, maybe I could imitate your way to add more videos into this dataset.

Anyway, Thanks u brother Jorvan!! :smiley:

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