Can't load exist dataset for evaluation

Hi, I used dair-ai/emotion to fine-tune the bert-base-cased model to use it for text-classification task.

The dataset is loaded when I load it in this script, so there is no problem up to here:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("dair-ai/emotion")

But in the evaluation script here:

import numpy as np
import evaluate

predictions = trainer.predict(eval_dataset)

preds = np.argmax(predictions.predictions, axis=-1)

metric = evaluate.load("dair-ai/emotion")

metric.compute(predictions=preds, references=predictions.label_ids)

I got: FileNotFoundError: Couldn’t find a module script at /content/dair-ai/emotion/ Module ‘dair-ai/emotion’ doesn’t exist on the Hugging Face Hub either.

I tried to find out the reason but did not find the solution.

Hellllo :))

Does the issue I recently filed (DataFilesNotFoundError for datasets in the open-llm-leaderboard) sound like what you’re experiencing? There was no resolution, but perhaps you’re at least not alone

No, it is not the same. All that matters is that the dataset already exists on the Hub and I used it in the data preparation phase, but at the evaluation phase there is an error saying that the dataset does not exist on the Hub.

I think the problem is from the evaluate lib,
And I have already opened an Issue on GitHub, but on evaluate repo.

issue link

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