Can't upload my model, stuck on "hashing"

The title says pretty much everything. I was able to upload with a Google Colab hack, but normally, I can’t. I attached the files down below. Can anyone figure out what the deal is?

I “fixed” the problem by uploading them with google colab, but I don’t like this solution. Why won’t it upload normally? Here is the colab link:

Here is the screenshot showing the huggingface refusing to hash:

And here are the files that wouldn’t hash:

What’s going on?

I was able to upload the file normally with Firfox, am I uploading the wrong file? Is there some kind of weird environment-dependent error?

I tried uploading with a windows virtual machine as well, and with Linux. It used to work but no longer works. This leads me to think there’s a problem on my local computer. However, uploading to google drive works just fine. Any ideas what could be wrong with my computer? I’ve tried google chrome, firefox, chromium, and microsoft edge browsers.

You uploaded the right files. I just don’t get it. It must be a local problem.

In that case, it’s not your computer, it’s your ISP, or something between the CDN (I don’t know which one) that HF uses and the ISP, or something in that area.
But since we can have a conversation on the HF forum like this, I don’t see how a normal tracert would be able to determine the cause…
Another possibility is that HF’s file system is malfunctioning in some way.

The fact that it’s reproducible is tricky. It’s not a temporary server error.:sweat:

:cold_sweat: uuuh… I don’t think I understood… I mean, I am a beginner and stuff. Basically, I’m getting that I can’t fix it UNLESS I use Google Colab, right?

(I know what an ISP is, like AT&T, but not a CDN)

(So… you’re saying my PC is good then, right? It’s a network problem?)

No, I’m an amateur at networking too!
Using Colab to get around it is half right as long as it works, but something is definitely wrong on the HF side or your side or both.
If I could isolate the problem a bit more, I could send a mentions to the HF staff to let them know, but since I can’t reproduce the problem (if the above can be uploaded, that’s OK, right?) You’re the only one who can verify

If it’s the same with Linux, it’s hard to imagine, for example, that your PC has been hit by a virus. If your router was attacked by a virus, it might be possible, but I have no experience.
If your hard disk is corrupted, Colab must not be able to help you.
If the problem is upstream of that, you can use a VPN to bypass it, or something like that. (If you can use Colab to get around this, maybe VPN method will work?)

Thanks for your help anyway. I’ll just keep this open and wait to see if anyone else gets this issue. I appreciate your help. :grinning:

(As for anyone else, who may be experiencing this issue, please comment! I know if it happened to me, it had to of happened to someone else.)

So, I tested on my ANDROID Phone, and THAT worked! So I know it’s a problem with my computer specifically. It has to be.

I know if it happened to me, it had to of happened to someone else.


So I know it’s a problem with my computer specifically. It has to be.

Good! (Not good)
I wonder what the problem is… is the LAN port broken? Is the cable torn? If you didn’t connect your Android to Wi-Fi and it worked, maybe your ISP is denying access to HF file server?

I have access to every single website on my computer and android. The only difference is huggingface. Both android and my computer are connected to the same wifi network. It’s weird, everything else in my PC is working just great, including online games. Therefore, I know it’s not my ISP.

Surely that would mean a PC problem, but what in the world are the possibilities…?
If it’s a hardware problem, online games won’t work, and if it’s a software problem, why not even in a Linux environment?
I get it, but there’s more I don’t understand. Well, have you almost succeeded in isolating the problem?

Nope. No idea what now. I just know it’s my own PC that’s the issue. That’s all I know. But it’s not a browser issue since other browsers don’t work either!

I was thinking vaguely about it while working on my own, but I couldn’t come up with anything!

If the PC is also connected via Wi-Fi, the only thing I can think of is that maybe the PC has some special designation in the router settings (you need it sometimes for internet games or something), or maybe the PC’s Wi-Fi adapter is in bad shape or has a bad setting. It’s not impossible, since smartphones are often a newer generation and more powerful when it comes to Wi-Fi.
The easy way to test if this is the cause is to plug the LAN cable from the router directly into the PC, but that’s a pain if you don’t have a cable at home.

Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately it still didn’t work. I plugged in my ethernet cable, and tried uploading, same problem.

I think there’s a security issue on Huggingface’s side. Because I can upload to ANY other website just fine. Even my college

I made this repository until Huggingface manages to fix the problem:

I think there’s a security issue on Huggingface’s side

That’s what I thought, too, but then how does HF pinpoint the restriction to just your PC, even if it’s not intentional?

First of all, if they’re regulating by account, it shouldn’t even be via Colab.
If they’re regulating by IP, then it wouldn’t work via Android Wi-Fi either.
Even the MAC address of the PC changed when you plugged in the ethernet cable, so it’s a bit odd to make this a combined problem with your router. Your router must think your PC is a different person than it was before.

UA may be there because the whole browser industry has changed recently so that it doesn’t change when you change browsers. It does indeed change between Android and PC. But I’ve never heard of pristine IP + UA restrictions in HF.

There was a problem with frequent 500 errors on HF, but it was resolved by the HF staff, so this is probably not the cause of the current problem either.

@not-lain @nielsr Do you know anything about it?

If it’s just one person, you can put it away as a coincidence, but when it’s multiple people, it’s a little suspect. Is it really a problem with the user’s connection?

I encountered a problem with uploading the model to HF (my internet connection has been unstable lately). Once I resolve it, the model will be available on HF.