Correct way to structure BERT for genetic segmentation?

I’m doing research on gene segmentation, and I’m currently trying to implement a BERT network.

I have a database of 350 GB database (~300M proteins) of unlabelled proteins, where each protein is a sequence of letters with various lengths, and each letter correspond to an amino acid. There are only about 20 different amino acids, so they are easy to tokenize. And should be easy to use for a BERT model to predict.

(here is an example of 3 such proteins)


Furthermore, I have a few small databases with 800-25000 proteins of labelled proteins, meaning for each amino acid in each protein it contains 1 of three labels (0 = postive, 1 = negative, 2 = unknown)

So in this case my data would look like (2 small proteins shown here):

DGQPEIPAGRGEHPQGI, 22222111111222222
YLERNAALDTTGPWQA, 00002222222222222

So far I have made a standard BERT model, with a linear layer on top (see code below) that I can use in a cross entropy loss function to predict the 15% masked amino acids in the proteins. It should be noted here that I do not start each input sequence with [cls] and end with [sep] since each sequence is only one protein I figured that I could do without this (Though maybe this is wrong and should still be included?)

class BERTseq(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, bert: BERT, vocab_size):

        self.bert = bert
        self.linear = nn.Linear(self.bert.hidden, vocab_size)

    def forward(self, x, segment_label):
        x = self.bert(x, segment_label)
        return self.linear(x)

Now this part seems to work rather well. After training for a few hours I get 96% accuracy on testing data when predicting these proteins.

So now I want to try and use this pretrained network for the segmentation task, but I must admit I’m uncertain how exactly I should do this, my initial idea was to remove the last linear layer from before and insert a new linear layer with size nn.Linear(self.bert.hidden, 2), since I have 2 segmentation classes I want out.
However in this case I don’t know whether I should still use the masked approach from before? or should I just use the full label segmentation as input?, Also should I keep the old linear layer at the end and add another layer on top of it, or replace it with the new linear layer?

So far I have been trying to replace it and use the segmentation labels directly in BERT, but that doesn’t seem to work.

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Is the sequence IPAGRG always going to be Negative, or does it depend on what is around it?

Is IPAGRG a commonly-occurring subset?

When IPAGRG occur together, will they always have the same positivity. That is, will IPAGRG always be either 000000, 111111 or 222222, or could it be 012201 etc?

I think you somehow need to have a single “answer” for each sequence that you give to BERT, so that it can learn.
(I’m a bit worried that if you give it a label such as 22222111111222222 it will treat that as a single numerical value, which is not what you want).

Could you treat IPAGRG as a single token, and DGQPE as another, and EHPQGI as another, so that BERT could try to learn to predict the value (positive/negative/unknown) of the central sequence in each input of 3 sequences?

From your Masked prediction success, it seems that there must be some common sequences. If you don’t have any a priori idea of what these might be, you could maybe try an n-gram analysis.

Completely different idea:
Could you use 60 tokens instead of 20, where each token includes information about the amino acid AND the positivity?

token A0 could represent alanine with positive,
token A1 could represent alanine with negative,
token A2 could represent alanine with unknown.

By the way, it’s not relevant to the BERT implementation, but what do the positive/negative labels actually signify?

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