DatasetInfo seems to be missing when I pull my dataset from HFHub

I have a number of datasets, which I create from a dictionary like so:

    info = DatasetInfo(
            description="my happy lil dataset",
    train_dataset = Dataset.from_dict(prepare_data(data["train"]), info=info)
    test_dataset = Dataset.from_dict(prepare_data(data["test"]), info=info)
    validation_dataset = Dataset.from_dict(prepare_data(data["validation"]),info=info)

I then combine these into a DatasetDict.

    # Create a DatasetDict
    dataset = DatasetDict(
        {"train": train_dataset, "test": test_dataset, "validation": validation_dataset}

So far, so good. If I access dataset['train'].info.description I see the expected result of "My happy lil dataset".

So I push to the hub, like so:

dataset.push_to_hub(f"{organization}/{repo_name}", commit_message="Some commit message")

And this succeeds too.

However, when I come to pull the dataset back down from the hub, and access the information associated with it; like so:

pulled_data = full = load_dataset("f{organization}/{repo_name}" ,use_auth_token = True)

# I expect the following to print out "my happy lil dataset"

# However, instead it returns ''

Am I loading my data in from the hub incorrectly? Am I pushing only my dataset and not the info somehow?
I feel like I’m missing something obvious, but I’m really not sure. Any help would be appreciated.