Decision Transformer a question about the tutorial

I’m trying to run and understand more about DT.
At the moment I stuck on this part of code (copied from here):

for ind in batch_inds:
            # for feature in features:
            feature = self.dataset[int(ind)]
            si = random.randint(0, len(feature["rewards"]) - 1)

            # get sequences from dataset
            s.append(np.array(feature["observations"][si : si + self.max_len]).reshape(1, -1, self.state_dim))
            a.append(np.array(feature["actions"][si : si + self.max_len]).reshape(1, -1, self.act_dim))
            r.append(np.array(feature["rewards"][si : si + self.max_len]).reshape(1, -1, 1))

            d.append(np.array(feature["dones"][si : si + self.max_len]).reshape(1, -1))
            timesteps.append(np.arange(si, si + s[-1].shape[1]).reshape(1, -1))
            timesteps[-1][timesteps[-1] >= self.max_ep_len] = self.max_ep_len - 1  # padding cutoff
                self._discount_cumsum(np.array(feature["rewards"][si:]), gamma=1.0)[
                    : s[-1].shape[1]   # TODO check the +1 removed here
                ].reshape(1, -1, 1)
            if rtg[-1].shape[1] < s[-1].shape[1]:
                print("if true")
                rtg[-1] = np.concatenate([rtg[-1], np.zeros((1, 1, 1))], axis=1)

            # padding and state + reward normalization
            tlen = s[-1].shape[1]
            s[-1] = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, self.max_len - tlen, self.state_dim)), s[-1]], axis=1)
            s[-1] = (s[-1] - self.state_mean) / self.state_std
            a[-1] = np.concatenate(
                [np.ones((1, self.max_len - tlen, self.act_dim)) * -10.0, a[-1]],
            r[-1] = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, self.max_len - tlen, 1)), r[-1]], axis=1)
            d[-1] = np.concatenate([np.ones((1, self.max_len - tlen)) * 2, d[-1]], axis=1)
            rtg[-1] = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, self.max_len - tlen, 1)), rtg[-1]], axis=1) / self.scale
            timesteps[-1] = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, self.max_len - tlen)), timesteps[-1]], axis=1)
            mask.append(np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, self.max_len - tlen)), np.ones((1, tlen))], axis=1))

I do not really understand, what the intention of part of code.
Going through the code and trying to understand it, it seems to me, that it takes batches of data training randomly, then it checks, if they need to be padded and then the data is passed to the model.

It is right? Or I’ am missing something important here?