Hi dear hugginface community ,
unfortunately, i get an error message when i duplicate the following space:
[Hentai Waianiv6 Card - a Hugging Face Space by nsfwalex]
runtime error
Exit code: 0. Reason: application does not seem to be initialized
The cache for model files in Transformers v4.22.0 has been updated. Migrating your old cache. This is a one-time only operation. You can interrupt this and resume the migration later on by calling `transformers.utils.move_cache()`.
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Error executing the script: You are trying to load the model files of the `variant=fp16`, but no such modeling files are available.
The cache for model files in Transformers v4.22.0 has been updated. Migrating your old cache. This is a one-time only operation. You can interrupt this and resume the migration later on by calling `transformers.utils.move_cache()`.
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Maybe @nsfwalex or @ShahbazAlam can help as they have this space running excellently?
I would be very grateful for any help and support.
Many thanks in advance