Enormous repository storage overusage

My Hugging Face account reports that I’m using 405 GB of my 500 GB storage allowance.

I suspect this is because I manage the Open Australian Legal Corpus. It is only 10 GB but I think all the previous verisons of the Corpus are being stored and taking up space.

Respectfully, I’d like to understand why one should be required to pay a subscription in order to share my Corpus with the rest of Hugging Face, thereby driving traffic to your service (it is downloaded 785 times a month).

If it looks like maintaining my Corpus by releasing new versions is going to permanently increase my storage then I am incentivized to take down my Corpus from Hugging Face :frowning:


Just to be clear, I’m just a user.

There is a lot of speculation about this measure, but many people think that it is basically a measure to deal with the trolls attacking HF. You can see this from the few comments made by the staff. I’ve collected them roughly below.
However, there is no doubt that we feel bad when we look at the bar. I’ve already exceeded it. By an order of magnitude.
I don’t think the trolls look at the bar every time…:sweat:

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@umarbutler Important update.

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