Exception encountered: Unrecognized keyword arguments: ['batch_shape']

I am running this space siddop/Attrition_Predictor at main , cloned and downloaded in Pycharm 2022. I have check there is no version conflict at the moment, after trying out many different versions of packages. When i run python.py, it gives the subject error. Please guide.

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pip install gradio==4.8.3

Have you installed any other required libraries, e.g. Gradio?
Also, Python for Spaces is version 3.10.6, so it may not work well with another version of Python.

I have Python 3.8.10. Let me use version you specified and revert.

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Gradio itself requires Python 3.9, and Gradio5 must be Python 3.10 or later…
We tend to keep using older versions because we can’t be bothered to re-install libraries. In such a case, you can use different versions of Python by using venv.
You will need HDD space for each Python, but that’s it.

Okay im now using Python 3.10.6 but getting error in module lime not found. Even though it shows up in pip list. Trying to resolve.

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With HF Spaces, there are quite a few libraries that are implicitly installed.
One of those is probably missing.
I don’t know what exactly…
But in most cases, I think it can be solved by following the error messages.

I am still stuck in the same error. Any other advise to run locally?

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Maybe lime issue.