Hey everyone! I’m diving into the world of Reinforcement Learning (RL) to enhance the performance of a GPT-based model for generating valid smiles strings, representing molecules. However, as a newcomer to RL and GPT, I’m facing uncertainties about my approach.
Current Approach Overview:
- Model: GPT-based model, fine-tuned for molecule generation.
- RL Technique: Implementing policy gradient RL with a custom reward system.
- Reward System: Provides rewards ranging from 0 to positive values based on the generated molecules’ validity and quality.
- Optimizer: Using PyTorchAdamW optimizer.
- Hyperparameters: Batch size, learning rate scheduler, gamma value for discounted rewards.
Questions for Discussion:
- Valid RL Technique? Is policy gradient RL suitable for molecule generation tasks like mine?
- Optimizers and Schedulers: Should I explore different optimizers or learning rate schedulers to enhance training stability and convergence speed?
- Reward Normalization: Is it necessary to normalize rewards to ensure effective RL training?
- Batch Size Adjustment: Would changing the batch size impact training efficiency or quality of generated molecules?
- Training Duration: How many epochs should I run to evaluate if my RL approach is effective or needs adjustments?
Code and Context: I’ve shared my current implementation of the RL training loop using PyTorch. Would appreciate insights, suggestions, or tips from experienced practitioners in RL or GPT-based modeling!
class Reinforcement(object):
def __init__(self, model, generator, get_reward, optimizer):
super(Reinforcement, self).__init__()
self.generator = generator
self.get_reward = get_reward
self.optimizer = optimizer
self.model = model
def policy_gradient(self, n_batch, gamma=0.97, grad_clipping=None):
rl_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, requires_grad=True)
total_reward = 0
for _ in range(n_batch):
# Sampling new trajectory
reward = 0
number_of_attemps = 0
input_= 'proper input'
trajectory = self.generator(input_, num_generated=10, batch_generated_size=10)
while reward == 0:
random_number = random.randint(0, 9)
number_of_attemps += 1
trajectory_ = [str(trajectory[random_number])]
reward = self.get_reward(trajectory_)
discounted_reward = reward
total_reward += reward
total_reward = total_reward / number_of_attemps
# Converting string of characters into tensor
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('my tokenizer')
trajectory_input = tokenizer(trajectory_[0], return_tensors='pt')['input_ids']
for p in range(trajectory_input.shape[1]-1):
# Get logits from the model
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(input_ids=trajectory_input[:, p:p+1])
logits = outputs.logits
# Apply softmax and compute log probabilities
log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
# Get log probability of the next token
top_i = trajectory_input[:,p+1]
rl_loss = rl_loss - (log_probs[:, 0, top_i]* discounted_reward)/100
discounted_reward = discounted_reward * gamma
# print("Updating rl_loss by:", -(log_probs[:, 0, top_i]*discounted_reward) /100)
# Doing backward pass and parameters update
rl_loss = rl_loss / n_batch
total_reward = total_reward / n_batch
if grad_clipping is not None:
return total_reward, rl_loss.item()
Looking forward to your valuable feedback and advice on refining my approach!