Hi, I will give you brief about my project. I am using react for UI design. when user click on image search button, one pop-up model opens. Inside that popup model I am using iframe to display the gradio UI using src attribute, we can pass the public url generated by python code… In that Gradio UI user can upload an image from their system and on click of submit button we can able to see the details of the uploaded image.
My issue is that, I am not able to access the internal content of the gradio as I am using iFrame. Actually I want to access the output obtained once user click on submit button after uploading image. But while using simple javascript/typscript code I am getting cross origin error though both react app and python is running on localhost.
Please suggest me some way to access the internal content of iframe. Instead of ifram i tried with embed and object tag but no luck.
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Hi, @skgosaviofficial !
I tried to solve problem like you, but I can’t find.
So I used another methods to address solve problem, that is using css in gradio. Gradio also supports some css attribution.
How about that?
Hope this help!
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Gradio is a great library, but it is very stubborn. It is very easy to use to make demos quickly and appropriately, but it is generally impossible to make the look and feel exactly as you want.
If you are focusing on design, it is probably quicker to use a different GUI library.