For any Space created, the Build and Container logs display "Error: Failed to fetch" and the page displays "sent an invalid response"

I’ve created multiple new private Spaces (including with “Duplicate this Space”) using the Docker SDK and a blank Docker template. These files were added to the repository:

  • Basic Dockerfile
  • requirements.txt used by Docker to install dependencies
  • A “hello world” version of that is run by Dockerfile

Whenever I start the space:

  • The Build and Container logs continually display “Error: Failed to fetch” and nothing else.
  • After it builds and runs, the page displays <org_name>-<space_name> sent an invalid response.

I was able to successfully create and run a space a few days ago. But these errors have re-occurred ever since then. The only substantive change was that I created an organization in Hugging Face and then created spaces under both the organization and my individual profile.

Can someone please help troubleshoot and resolve this issue?

These issues stopped occurring today without any additional action on my part.

Hi @esgov9, apologies for the issues. Could you please share a public demo Space so we can help you?

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