Hi I am getting the error:
Repository storage limit reached (Max: 1 GB)
So I want to delete some files from the space but the platform is not allowing me… Could someone help me to delete the files please?
Hi I am getting the error:
Repository storage limit reached (Max: 1 GB)
So I want to delete some files from the space but the platform is not allowing me… Could someone help me to delete the files please?
I am having exactly same issue.
Something changed at huggingface side?
I have the same issue too!
Today, I tried to edit my space code, but cannot commit new updates due to storage limit.
Wow, it’s possible that old issues and completely new issues are progressing at the same time.
Managed to delete the folder but I am still getting the error:
➜ olas-prediction-live-dashboard git:(main) git push
batch response: Repository storage limit reached (Max: 1 GB)
Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/5), 0 B | 0 B/s, done.
This is the space:
Btw my company has the enterprise subscription so where I can request support for this issue? It is blocking an important update in the space please.
Hi @rosacastillo Thanks for reporting! We’re taking a closer look and I’ll update you soon.
Hi @rosacastillo were you able to remove the folders yesterday? I see that the space is running now.
Yes I removed the folder but the space is still blocked and not allowing me to push anything. : (
Hi @rosacastillo Can you please email api-enterprise@huggingface.co? We can investigate further.
Hi Megan,
You mean the email that I sent to that address two days ago and nobody replied?
To be honest, at my company we are very disappointed, because we moved to the paid Enterprise subscription expecting to have “priority” support as it is advertised, but that is not the case.
So…. Paying or non-paying user won’t get even a hint how to solve this …?
At least with the $9/month plan, there’s no extra support for bug fixes. I’m not complaining, though, because that’s not the purpose of the support.
In general, these kinds of problems result in simple errors for us, but it often takes a long time for the service provider to find the cause and come up with a solution at a realistic cost…
ok in my case the solution was to remove some big files that I had in the repo, and we were not using anymore, plus getting some increase of the space size from the technical support. Hope that helps in your case.
Thanks . Yet I only use 50/500GB…
Maybe it’s not because of your quota, but maybe it’s a bug that crashes the build when there are GB-class files in Spaces?
I’m over quota, but I’ve never had a Max: 1GB error. I’m in the habit of putting large files in the model repo…
Same problem here