I’m teaching with HuggingFace package/materials in the University of Arkansas. I would like find out the price for my students in the class to use your service. The university may provide us some financial support. Please send me an email, xzhang@walton.uark.edu
Hello @xzhanguark all of our educational materials at Hugging Face are open-source and hence free to use
If you would like someone from the team to present at your university, we’re currently running a “world tour” the is focused on building ML collaboratively. Feel free to sign up if that sounds interesting to your students!
Thank you, @lewtun
I would like to use your paid service as well. The free quota is not quite enough for us. Our IT is asking for a quote. Please see if we can work something out. Please let me know how.
any update on this? I want to use the paid service in my AI-for-business field course (Brandeis University’s Business School Field Study class) and the free quota is not enough.
use Huggingface Pro Serverless API Inferencing
its affordable and good enough to study and get started
9 USD per month