How can I generate images using a safetensors file?

Can I load it directly in the StableDiffustionPipeline or I need to convert it to a diffuser format before using it for image generation ?

Update: Looks like it is still in proposal phase [Proposal] Support loading from safetensors if file is present. (#1357) · sliard/diffusers@0390f70 · GitHub

Hi, I have read the link you provided, but I still get confused.
I downloaded a .safetensors file from civitai which is a big model. And I want to use it to train a lora.
But I can’t convert it to diffusers format.
Could you please help me ?

haha, I have just solved this question. I have used this script to covert the .safetensors format file to diffusers format.

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Can you share your command?