How can I find some idea regarding NLP tasks for graduate thesis?
This is a great question!
I think the questions you should ask yourself, in order of precedence, are:
- What interests you in NLP? Is there a question that interests you that you couldn’t find a decent answer for in the literature? (Semantic Scholar is great if you’re looking to browse through papers)
- Does your adviser have any interesting ideas?
- If you are part of an NLP lab, what are your lab-mates working on? Is there a part of their research you can expand?
- If you know a language other than English, can you create a resource and model for a task in that specific language?
- Can you continue someone else’s work?
Given the above, I think the most important thing is: your research should be interesting and fun. You want a subject that you’ll get up in the morning and say “I can’t wait to solve this already!” Yes, it will have its frustrating moments, when things don’t quite work, but it’s part of the journey. If your thesis subject bores you, it’s time to change the subject.
Hope this helps a bit, and good luck with your thesis!
Yes, and those are very good questions. I like this :
Given the above, I think the most important thing is: your research should be interesting and fun. You want a subject that you’ll get up in the morning and say “I can’t wait to solve this already!” Yes, it will have its frustrating moments, when things don’t quite work, but it’s part of the journey. If your thesis subject bores you, it’s time to change the subject.
The thing is that I am looking for trends to follow them. As in our lab, I am the only one interested in NLP.
Now, I am studying some review papers to understand the area or maybe trends but needed to find the pioneer labs to follow them.