How to edit outside variables in mapping function

I am trying to find a workaround for my issue and to do so I would like to continue using the mapping function as I have a very large dataset (much bigger than the one in the linked post). I would like to store the multisets in a list of dicts like so:

list_data = []
def _multisetify(code_file):
    return code_file
data.shuffle() # just to make the tqdm output more accurate
print(, num_proc=32))

However this just leaves list_data empty? Does anybody know someway I would be able to do this using the map() function or someway I can do it as quickly as the map function?

Hi again,
I suspect that this here and your other issue have the same solution.

It doesn’t raise any error in this one it just doesn’t allow me to edit or create data that can be accessed outside of the function, like if I made a variable in _multisetify() it wouldn’t be able to be accessed outside (as it should), but if I make a variable scoped outside of _multisetify() and edit it inside (with append) then it changes inside the function (I checked), but does not get changed outside _multisetify().

In this example case you would have to also return the list_data

return code_file, list_data

But that doesn’t solve your problem.
To help debug this issue you might just run a loop over the data.
Sorry, hope someone can help,