I want to deploy a private space that connects to Bright Data to perform scraping through a proxy. To establish this connection, I need to whitelist the domain of my space. However, I am having trouble figuring out which domains to add to the whitelist.
I’ve already tried the following:
I also added these domains that I found in this post:
How to get a list of all Hugging Face download redirections to whitelist? -
Hub - Hugging Face Forums
Any suggestions on what else I should add to my whitelist?
Thanks in advance!
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That should be all, but if there’s anything else, it’s probably something to do with amazonaws?
Well, there are quite a few cases where the Private Space API-like behavior doesn’t work even though it should work in theory (according to the documentation)…
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Thank you for your response!
I’m not sure if this documentation applies to me (I am using a Streamlit Space), but based on what I understood from it, I tried adding the following domain to the whitelist: [my-organization]-[space-name].hf.space.
Unfortunately, it is still not working. 
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Maybe the streamlit space doesn’t have an authentication system…
Maybe it would be quicker to ask Hugging Face. website@huggingface.co
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