Hugging Face Dataset with tree

I am creating my first dataset using Hugging Face, and I have a problem because I have a dataset with a field that contains document structure in a tree-like fashion. To illustrate that, I have created this artificial dataset sample:

	"id": 2,
	"created": "2012-10-09",
	"hierarchy": {
		"title": "Hugging Face Datasets Manual",
		"content": [
				"title": "Get started",
				"content": [
					{"title": "🤗 Datasets", "content": (123, "e.g. some tuple")},
					{"title": "Quickstart", "content": (123, "e.g. some tuple")},
					{"title": "Installation", "content": (123, "e.g. some tuple")}
				"title": "Tutorials", "content": (123, "e.g. some tuple")

My question is, how can I define a tree structure in the loading script _info method? Ideally, I would like to represent the tree with my own class. Should I define my own FeatureType somehow?