I want to build a personal assistant

I want to build a personal assistant.
I can communicate with it through a graphical interface.
I can teach it through links.
For example, a link to a lesson, article, or video for programming.
A link to a lesson, article, or video to learn anything.
I can communicate with it through writing or voice commands.
I can give it commands to execute on my Windows machine.
For example, if I ask it to write a programming project, create a video, or make a small game.
Can I download a ready-made model and modify it, or should I create it from scratch?
Note that currently I don’t have time to start a project from scratch.
I will interact with the project through Colab.
And in the future, I will download the file to my Windows machine to run it locally.
Can anyone tell me how to get started or how to do this?

Have you considered specific features or functionalities you want your personal assistant to have, and how do you plan to integrate voice commands and execution of commands on your Windows machine into the project?

Building a personal assistant sounds like an exciting project. From my experience, creating one from scratch can be time-consuming, so I understand your preference for modifying a ready-made model.

As for getting started, I suggest exploring open-source personal assistant projects like Mycroft or adapting existing models from libraries like Hugging Face Transformers. These frameworks provide a foundation that you can build upon and customize according to your requirements.

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Thank you for your insightful comment! Indeed, I’ve considered several features and functionalities for my personal assistant project, including text-based interaction, natural language understanding, web scraping capabilities, and integration with various APIs for fetching information and performing tasks.

Regarding voice commands and executing commands on my Windows machine, I plan to integrate speech recognition technology, such as Google’s Speech Recognition API or Mozilla’s DeepSpeech, to enable voice-based interaction. Additionally, I’ll use automation tools like AutoHotkey or or api or PowerShell scripts to execute commands on my Windows machine based on the assistant’s instructions.

You’re absolutely right about the time-consuming nature of building a personal assistant from scratch. That’s why I’m exploring options like leveraging existing models from libraries like Hugging Face Transformers or exploring open-source projects like Mycroft. These resources provide a solid foundation that I can customize and extend to suit my specific needs and preferences.

That sounds like a fantastic plan for your personal assistant project! Here are some thoughts based on your approach:


  • Multi-faceted approach: You’ve considered text, voice, web scraping, and API integration, making your assistant versatile.
  • Leveraging existing tools: Utilizing speech APIs and automation tools saves development time and effort.
  • Open to pre-trained models: Exploring Hugging Face Transformers or Mycroft provides a strong foundation to build upon.

Additional Considerations:

  • Speech recognition accuracy: Training a custom model might improve accuracy for your specific voice compared to general-purpose APIs.
  • Automation tool complexity: AutoHotkey offers a user-friendly interface, while PowerShell scripts can be more powerful but require coding knowledge.

Here are some resources that might be helpful:

  • Hugging Face Transformers Tutorials: 🤗 Transformers These tutorials will guide you through using pre-trained models for various NLP tasks.
  • Mycroft Documentation: Documentation | Mycroft AI This comprehensive documentation will help you get started with customizing Mycroft for your needs.

Overall, your project is well-planned with a solid foundation. By considering the points above and utilizing the provided resources, you’re well on your way to building a powerful and personalized assistant!