Issues with SadTalker ZeroGPU Spaces + Inquiry About Community Grant

Thanks for the explanation.

apply to join the organization and wait

Huh? I’ve never heard of this, but do we get Zero GPU space if we belong to org?

apply for a gpu grant and wait

Is that procedure the one that is in the manual?
I’m sure I’ve got it somewhere…

Not that it matters, but in HF, the manuals that are automatically generated from the code are up-to-date, but the parts where the code is closed, such as server-side spec changes, GUI changes, and many other parts are lacking manuals. I enjoy the many hidden features, but they are inconvenient.

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Code for ZeroGPU Space compatible CPU Space

It’s a little uncool, but if you remove import spaces and instead write this code at the beginning of your code, you can go back and forth between Zero GPU space and CPU space without any changes. (if everything else is ok).

import os
if os.environ.get("SPACES_ZERO_GPU") is not None:
    import spaces
    class spaces:
        def GPU(func):
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            return wrapper

def fake_gpu():