I’m in Chapter 1, and (I think) I’ve followed the instructions for setting up my environment. My Python version is 3.10.11. I’m running a local Jupyter notebook (I do not get this error on Google Colab). When I try to execute:
classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
I get an error that summarizes as follows:
RuntimeError: Failed to import transformers.models.distilbert.modeling_tf_distilbert because of the following error (look up to see its traceback):
No module named 'keras.engine
What should I be looking at to fix this?
Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, this isn’t the issue. Tensorflow is installed (although it was not imported for this chapter at this point). If I do import it, it doesn’t change the error. FWIW, though, the version of TF that is installed is ‘2.13.0-rc1’.
Also, I’m on OS X, Ventura (13.3) M2 Max chip.
maybe try to downgrade your latest tensorflow and keras into lower one! i had same issue with tensorflow the reason was for my os was using cuda 12 and tensorflow not supporting it! i think you may try downgrade 
Thanks for the suggestion. I think that probably this is what I need, but it looks like Apple’s M2 architecture doesn’t really support older versions very well. I’ll keep experimenting. In the meantime, I can work through the course on Colab.
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