Noobie here i got the invaild task problem

ValidationError: 1 validation error for HuggingFaceHub root Got invalid task question-answering, currently only dict_keys([‘translation’, ‘summarization’, ‘conversational’, ‘text-generation’, ‘text2text-generation’]) are supported (type=value_error)

The error ValidationError: 1 validation error for root HuggingFaceHub indicates that there is an issue with an invalid job for Hugging Face Hub. The message mentions that supported task types include ‘translation’, ‘summarization’, ‘conversational’, ‘text-generation’, ‘text2text-generation’. Your assignment probably doesn’t fit into any of these types. You should revise the assignment. You may be trying to upload a task that is not currently supported, or you may have entered the task type incorrectly when submitting your request. Try re-creating or changing the job to match one of the supported types.