I have created a container to run Jupyterlab (to run tensorflow). I try to replicate Text Classification example and I ran the notebook at my container.
However, I encounter this error while running one of the code:
Ok, from your message I gather that you’re trying to run a Jupyter notebook within a container. When the notebook attempts to interact with git, an OSError suggests that git is not installed. Despite installing git-lfs on your Ubuntu (WSL), the issue persists.
So, I would approach it like this:
Containers run in isolation from the host OS, so if git is installed on the host, the container may not have access to it.
Installing git-lfs doesn’t necessarily mean git itself is installed. Git Large File Storage (git-lfs) is an extension but not a replacement for git.
The error might originate from the Python environment within the container rather than the OS layer.
And if you think you found the issue try this,:
Install git in the container: If git is not present in the container, you’ll need to install it there.
Open a shell into the container: docker exec -it <container_name_or_id> /bin/bash
Hi I followed your steps but the error still persists. However, the error resolved after running this code: apt-get install git-lfs in docker environment.