Public archive of data for preservation

how much money do i need to be able to upload a 300GB public repo (could get to 450-500GB), archive of data for a preservation project? thousands? do i need to be a millionaire? do i need to have connections? start a business? what do i need to do?

i just attempted to upload a 40GB folder with 75k files but it said “10000 file in directory limit + a rate limit” splitting the directories is not something i want to do.

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If you don’t mind using it in public, it’s free (best effort) to $9 per month. If you want to use it privately, it’s a little more expensive.

sorry, this was posted in fustration and also, to make aware that i might need more than 300GB up to 500GB. i sent an email.

I gUeSs i WiLl SpLiT tHe fILeS Up by 0-9 A-F

interestingly, a NAS’s file station does the exact opposite and has a folder limit of 10k folders.

0 5449
1 5067
2 4825
3 4983
4 4871
5 4856
6 4802
7 4605
8 4817
9 4724
A 4473
B 4583
C 4637
D 4293
E 4314
F 4098


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