Question about account type and API key for use with Weaviate


I’m trying to connect Weaviate to a model hosted on Hugging Face, as explained here: Hugging Face + Weaviate | Weaviate.

I have a couple of questions regarding the account type and API key requirements:

  1. Is it possible to use a free API key to access an embeddings model hosted on Hugging Face via Weaviate?
  2. If a corporate API key is required, are there additional configurations or limitations to be aware of?

Thank’s for the assistance!

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hi @rafamoos !!

Duda from Weaviate here!

Yes! You can use HUGGING FACE free api key with Weaviate. There is no different configuration needed between the free api key or the PRO/ENTERPRISE one.

Happy build :slight_smile:

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