RuntimeError: Error while uploading 'data/train-00040-of-00157-15109dabc9b3967a.parquet' to the Hub

Hi all,
I’m trying to upload a big dataset to the hub but the following error appears :

RuntimeError: Error while uploading ‘data/train-00040-of-00157-15109dabc9b3967a.parquet’ to the Hub.

Each time I run the notebook cell, a bit more of the dataset is uploaded to the hub so I finally get my dataset uploaded, but when trying to train a model on it I get the following error message :

OSError: image file is truncated (17 bytes not processed)

So that the dataset seems to be wrongly uploaded on the hub.
My version of Huggingface HUb is :

huggingface-hub 0.14.1 pypi_0 pypi

Can someone suggest me how to solve this problem?
Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile:

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Hi again @John6666, I was facing the same problem, sorry to bother you again but would you mind to help if you know something about this. Thanks in advance.

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Nevermind, ran it again and it ran. Probably internet?

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