Save trained model in Stable Diffusion via Dreambooth Colab

Hello everyone, I need some guidance!
I successfully saved in my profile (privately) a model I trained, but I have no idea how to download it.
How can I save it my local disk? This was this repository I used:

Normally, I have seen that the model has a .ckpt ending but this time it is .bin.
Is there any way to convert it to .ckpt to load it in SD?

I have the same problem :frowning:
thanks in advance to anyone who helps us

I’m not an expert, but I did come across another notebook which does seem to have a cell that converts it into a ckpt.


!wget -q

WEIGHTS_DIR = "path/to/weights/dir/"
ckpt_path = WEIGHTS_DIR + "/model.ckpt"

half_arg = ""
# if you want to convert to fp16 (takes half the space, so ~2GB)
fp16 = True 
if fp16:
    half_arg = "--half"
!python --model_path $WEIGHTS_DIR  --checkpoint_path $ckpt_path $half_arg
print(f"[*] Converted ckpt saved at {ckpt_path}")

You should then be able to download the ckpt as you normally would.