SentencePiece - OSError In Hugging Face Spaces

I have been creating a hugging face spaces with gradio. The code had been validated by running in local via colab. Yet when I run it in hugging face spaces, I get the below error. This error looks because of an issue in hugging spaces

OSError: Not found: "/root/.cache/huggingface/transformers/9c7933a8cb164e6207557926768a9a265d1bd79d39f5356e412c6abbe425b649.3b0201e0c6666c1f97cb872a091dba1baec985f9f13044c690a95a8af2f48ae6": Permission denied Error #13

The full error log can be found here. My spaces, and the associate code can also be found in the links below:
