[SOLVED] DONUT Fine-tuning error, following documentation


Ive been following the guide by Niels: Transformers-Tutorials/Donut/CORD/Fine_tune_Donut_on_a_custom_dataset_(CORD)_with_PyTorch_Lightning.ipynb at master · NielsRogge/Transformers-Tutorials · GitHub

I am running the code as in in Google Colab, except changing max_epochs to 1 to make it faster.
In the cell where it starts the training:
the trainer = pl.Trainer(…)

I get an error:

Ah, solved, stupid me. Seems to be a typo in the documentation, missing the parenthesis like the error suggested…
This solved it:
pred = re.sub(r"(?:(?<=>) | (?=))", “”, answer, count=1)
