Space broken by pre-requirements problem

Hi. My Space doesnot work even after factory reboot. The log shows that:

===== Build Queued at 2023-09-01 03:46:53 / Commit SHA: 64221c0 =====

--> FROM
DONE 0.0s

DONE 0.0s

--> RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pip==22.3.1 &&     pip install --no-cache-dir         datasets         "huggingface-hub>=0.12.1" "protobuf<4" "click<8.1" "pydantic~=1.0"

--> WORKDIR /home/user/app

--> RUN --mount=target=/root/packages.txt,source=packages.txt 	apt-get update &&     xargs -r -a /root/packages.txt apt-get install -y     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

--> RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user

--> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y 	git 	git-lfs 	ffmpeg 	libsm6 	libxext6 	cmake 	libgl1-mesa-glx 	&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 	&& git lfs install

--> RUN --mount=target=pre-requirements.txt,source=pre-requirements.txt 	pip install --no-cache-dir -r pre-requirements.txt

--> ERROR: failed to calculate checksum of ref vxhf3grg5chx4r2g1mrunda8y::gmj6ab7kufvh7ydr7bxrhmkcp: "/pre-requirements.txt": not found

My root dir do have a pre-requirements.txt. So the log makes me confused. Can anyone help me?

hi @gensim2 ,

It looks like the problem is you .dockerignore file, please remove it on Spaces, since it’s conflicting with our internal build system, which uses Docker as well

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Hi @radames .

Thank you very much. It do works! Save my a lot of time! :slight_smile:

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