already making new space and duplicate space same results not working just giving me no logs
Over here, since this morning (it’s about bedtime in my country right now), I haven’t seen any problems.
There have been a few things that have been a bit out of whack for a while now, but rarely is there a case of no logs.
Is there something wrong with the pathway between your network and HF?
The staff is in the middle of soliciting feedback on HF right now, so why don’t you make a little request?
sorry but what little request is?
No, sorry, I didn’t mean anything profound.
I just thought it would be a good idea to tell them, “There’s a glitch.”
I’ve seen the occasional bug where the start time goes to 1970, and I’ve seen no logs when the network is accidentally interrupted, but other than that I’ve rarely seen no logs, so I think it’s a special case.