Due to strange thing, can’t access this query (failed with 500 response in 2 days already)
The same query for other language work well:
Due to strange thing, can’t access this query (failed with 500 response in 2 days already)
The same query for other language work well:
When you go to the viewer page, you can have a bit more information: gsarti/flores_101 · Datasets at Hugging Face
The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
412 Client Error: Precondition Failed for url: https://huggingface.co/api/datasets/gsarti/flores_101/commit/refs%2Fconvert%2Fparquet (Request ID: Root=1-648091ec-6177c35b4d6fee2968b605ba) A commit has happened since. Please refresh and try again.
Error code: UnexpectedError
It’s a bug on our side (follow resolution at Catch commit conflit in parquet branch · Issue #1163 · huggingface/datasets-server · GitHub). I’m launching a manual refresh for the missing parts meanwhile
Fixed on gsarti/flores_101 · Datasets at Hugging Face for all the configs and splits.
We still have an issue to fix (Avoid commit conflicts · Issue #1396 · huggingface/datasets-server · GitHub) but for now, the dataset is back to normality
The underlying issue is fixed!
500 server error on the same dataset:
the issue is fixed!
how sir? please explain.
i cant view the full dataset viewer
The full width viewer works for me: gsarti/flores_101 · Datasets at Hugging Face
But I see another issue with the search and filter
Looking at it. It’s unrelated to the dataset in itself, it’s currently affecting all the datasets.
OK, the search + filter error is fixed too.
For me, the dataset is now fully working. Please reply with a URL if you see another issue.
Hi, I encountered the same error with my dataset https://huggingface.co/datasets/rippleripple/ProbMed. Could you also check what is the underlying problem?
thanks for reporting. It’s fixed now, but I opened Catch another UnexpectedException · Issue #2999 · huggingface/dataset-viewer · GitHub to improve our error handling