Support for docker-compose in spaces

Are you planning to support docker-compose.yaml (the same as it is currently done for Dockerfile)? It would be great to have possibility to create an app with backend and frontend services controlled by docker-compose. I would like to implement this type of pipeline:
Frontend (ReactJS) - img β†’ DL model on backend (FastAPI) - class label β†’ frontend (ReactJS)
and with current option (Dockerfile) it is not possible.


hi @thawro , thanks for the suggestion, currently we don’t have plans to support docker-compose.
However you could have multiple applications in the same deployment by using a reverse proxy.
Here is a handy template for you, in this example we have a simple python web server and Gradio running concurrently launched via this script Β· radames/nginx-gradio-reverse-proxy at main then proxy setup here nginx.conf Β· radames/nginx-gradio-reverse-proxy at main