[T5] How to control the lenth of the generated summaries

Hi everyone, after fine-tuning a T5 model I wrote a script for inference:

def generate_summary(text, max_length, temperature):
    inputs= tokenizer(text= text, return_tensors= "pt", truncation= True, padding= True, max_length= 1024).to(device)

    outputs= model.generate(
        max_length= max_length,
        temperature= temperature,
        num_beams= 4,
        no_repeat_ngram_size= 2,
        early_stopping= True,
        do_sample= True

    summary= tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens= True)

    return summary

Here in the generate_summary method, I parse three arguments: text for input context, temperature for deterministic control, and max_length for output length control. However, I noticed that while the temperature working well, the max_length was not, it just cut off (truncated) the text when the maximum length was reached.

Am I doing something wrong here? The goal is to tell the model to generate the output within the pre-set length.

FYI, in the fine-tuning process, I created a Custom Dataset method:

class CustomDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data, context_max_length, summary_max_length):
        #self.data = data

        self.context_max_length= context_max_length
        self.summary_max_length= summary_max_length
        self.tokenizer= AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path= parameters.model_name, cache_dir= parameters.model_cache_dir)
        self.data= [
            item for item in data if len(self.tokenizer.encode(item["context"]))<= self.context_max_length and len(self.tokenizer.encode(item["summary"]))<= self.summary_max_length

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)  # Assuming both questions and passages have the same length
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        context_encodings= self.tokenizer(
            max_length= self.context_max_length,
            padding= "max_length",
            truncation= True,
            return_tensors= "pt"

        summary_encodings= self.tokenizer(
            max_length= self.summary_max_length,
            padding= "max_length",
            truncation= True,
            return_tensors= "pt"
        return {
            'input_ids': context_encodings["input_ids"].squeeze(), 
            'labels': summary_encodings["input_ids"].squeeze(),
            "attention_mask": context_encodings["attention_mask"].squeeze()

print("Load the dataset")
train_dataset= load_from_disk(f"{parameters.datasets_cache_dir}/big_sum_dataset/train")
validation_dataset= load_from_disk(f"{parameters.datasets_cache_dir}/big_sum_dataset/validation")
tokenized_train_dataset= CustomDataset(data= train_dataset, context_max_length= 1024, summary_max_length= 512)
tokenized_validation_dataset= CustomDataset(data= validation_dataset, context_max_length= 1024, summary_max_length= 512)

Here I do some preprocessing on the dataset:

  1. I filtered out all the instances that do not satisfy the pre-set length
  2. I padded the length of the input context to 1024 and the output summary to 512.

I don’t know if this Custom Dataset makes the model can not generate vary length output.

Thank you.