Two inputs -> one result. Help please :)

Hi I have a task and was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a dataset with three columns
Original text, patch, result

How do I go about training so that in the future I can give it the original and patch and have it generate result?

I have seen many ways to have one input and one result, but this is two inputs and one result.
Thank you for your attention

Can you paste some samples for original and patch? And if they are just text then you can combine them i.e. original:patch as input and result as output.

thank you for your quick reply, my examples are in norwegian but I can make a mock example here in English

§3-4. (change of terms during the insurance period) The company can not make reservations about changing the terms during the insurance period
§ 3-4 shall read: § 3-4. (notice from the policyholder that the insurance will not be renewed) If the policyholder does not want the insurance to be renewed automatically, he or she must notify the company by the end of the insurance period.

§ 3-4. (notice from the policyholder that the insurance will not be renewed) If the policyholder does not want the insurance to be renewed automatically, he or she must notify the company by the end of the insurance period.

Sometimes it is a total rewrite, other times we replace a paragraph or smaller section

Did this make sense?

I have around 1500 examples with original-text, patch and result
and the whole dataset with just original-text and patch is around 10 000

is that enough?