TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type int64 to null

Hello everyone!

I am currently training a GPT-2 model from scratch using my own cif-tokenizer. The goal is to be able to generate crystallographic information files using an LLM. Since some of the CIFs have more tokens than context length, I am using strided tokenization with returned overflowing tokens and padded to max context length. This method has worked for all my datasets (different materials but same format) - however, using the MP-20 dataset I am getting a ‘TypeError: Couldn’t cast array of type int64 to null’ when performing the dataset.map( function.

Data type of first example processed in train set:

Split: train                                                                                                                         
Number of examples: 27136                                                                                                            
Column names: ['Database', 'Material ID', 'Reduced Formula', 'CIF']                                                                  
Features: {'Database': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'Material ID': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'Reduced Formula': Value(dtype=
'string', id=None), 'CIF': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}                                                                           
First example:                                                                                                                       
{'Database': 'MP-20', 'Material ID': 'mp-1221227', 'Reduced Formula': 'Na3MnCoNiO6', 'CIF': "data_Na6Mn2Co2Ni2O12\nloop_\n _atom_type
_symbol\n _atom_type_electronegativity\n _atom_type_radius\n _atom_type_ionic_radius\n  Na  0.9300  1.8000  1.1600\n [...] \n"}

Dataloading script:

def tokenize_function(examples, tokenizer, context_length, stride):
    Tokenize a dataset using a sliding window approach.
    Processes the "CIF" column in a batch of examples.
    # Add BOS and EOS tokens to each CIF sequence
    bos_token = tokenizer.bos_token
    eos_token = tokenizer.eos_token

    # Tokenize the CIF column with BOS and EOS tokens
    return tokenizer(
        [bos_token + example + eos_token for example in examples["CIF"]],

def load_data(tokenizer, dataset, context_length, stride, dataset_streaming=False):

    # Wrap the tokenize function to pass the tokenizer
    def tokenize_wrapper(examples):
        return tokenize_function(examples, tokenizer, context_length, stride)
    # Apply tokenization to the dataset
    tokenized_dataset = dataset.map(
        tokenize_wrapper,         # Pass the wrapped tokenize function
        batched=True,                    # Apply to batches of examples rather than indiv
        remove_columns=["CIF"],          # Remove the original "CIF" column, bc model only needs tokenized data
        # Only use num_proc if not streaming 
        **({"num_proc": 8} if not dataset_streaming else {})
    # Create a data collator for training
    data_collator = DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(
        mlm=False                        # No masked language modeling

    return tokenized_dataset, data_collator

Full error:

Conditionality is not activated                                                                                                                     
Map (num_proc=8):  91%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋        | 24744/27136 [00:04<00:00, 52
00.22 examples/s]                                                                                                                                   
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                  
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/multiprocess/pool.py", line 125, in worker                      
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))                                                                                                            
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/utils/py_utils.py", line 678, in _write_generator_to_qu
    for i, result in enumerate(func(**kwargs)):                                                                                                     
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_dataset.py", line 3499, in _map_single           
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py", line 605, in write_batch             
  File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 250, in pyarrow.lib.array                                                                                          
  File "pyarrow/array.pxi", line 114, in pyarrow.lib._handle_arrow_array_protocol                                                                   
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py", line 243, in __arrow_array__         
    out = cast_array_to_feature(                                                                                                                    
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/table.py", line 1797, in wrapper                       
    return func(array, *args, **kwargs)                                                                                                             " 12:44 04-Feb-25
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/table.py", line 2065, in cast_array_to_feature
    casted_array_values = _c(array.values, feature.feature)                                                                                         
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/table.py", line 1797, in wrapper
    return func(array, *args, **kwargs)                                   
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/table.py", line 2102, in cast_array_to_feature
    return array_cast(                                                    
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/table.py", line 1797, in wrapper
    return func(array, *args, **kwargs)                                   
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/table.py", line 1948, in array_cast
    raise TypeError(f"Couldn't cast array of type {_short_str(array.type)} to {_short_str(pa_type)}")
TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type int64 to null   

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:                                                                                

Traceback (most recent call last):                                        
  File "/home/cyprien/CrystaLLMv2_CG/_train.py", line 194, in <module>                                                                              
  File "/home/cyprien/CrystaLLMv2_CG/_train.py", line 96, in main                                                                                   
    tokenized_dataset, data_collator = load_data(                                                                                                   
  File "/home/cyprien/CrystaLLMv2_CG/_dataloader.py", line 106, in load_data                                                                        
    tokenized_dataset = dataset.map(                                      
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/dataset_dict.py", line 886, in map
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/dataset_dict.py", line 887, in <dictcomp>
    k: dataset.map(                                                       
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_dataset.py", line 560, in wrapper
    out: Union["Dataset", "DatasetDict"] = func(self, *args, **kwargs)                                                                              
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/arrow_dataset.py", line 3165, in map
    for rank, done, content in iflatmap_unordered(                                                                                                  
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/utils/py_utils.py", line 718, in iflatmap_unordered
    [async_result.get(timeout=0.05) for async_result in async_results]                                                                              
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/utils/py_utils.py", line 718, in <listcomp>
    [async_result.get(timeout=0.05) for async_result in async_results]                                                                              
  File "/home/cyprien/miniconda3/envs/crystallmv2_venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/multiprocess/pool.py", line 774, in get
    raise self._value                                                     
TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type int64 to null

If I adjust the context length to be >max_token_length, I do not get an error. I have also tried specifying explicitly the features as per some of the posts on this forum, but I am unsure if I am doing it correctly.
I was wondering if anyone knows how I could tackle this problem? I am still quite new to HuggingFace so struggling to grasp what has gone wrong for this dataset. Thank you in advance for the help.

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I found a similar case, but it’s different…

Hi, thanks for the help. I did see these before posting, but in my case all the entries strings so I don’t have these different datatypes. the only places I would have different datatypes would be in the return overflowing token mappings which I removed, at least to my understanding. So I’m not sure how I could deal with this.

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To begin with, Python’s language specification includes None but not null, so I think that null probably comes from pandas or pyarrow.
In pandas, for example, just having “” creates null. I think that such data is causing problems when implicit conversion is performed inside the datasets library. On the other hand, int64 is probably data that has been successfully tokenized.